
Monday, June 22, 2015

Build End Tables

I built 2 end tables to go with my park bench. I had a lot of trouble with splitting wood, because the 1x2s where so thin. I'm used to more robust lumber. I tried something new. I drilled pocket holes, sanded, primed and painted everything before I assembled. I don't like painting as much, because I love using power tools. I psyched myself out by thinking I was giving it an elegant finish. Sounds so much nicer than slapping some paint on wood.

 My son made some tic-tac-toe pieces from scrap treated lumber, by painting black X's on one side and white O's on the other.

Here's a link to the plans I got from the wonderful Ana White site.
That site has downloadable, step-by-step shopping list, cut list and instructions.

#GetBuilding2015 #AnaWhite #GetBuidingCaren #DIYHallofFame